Wednesday 29 July 2015

On & On DiabaLife

On and On DiabaLife

What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is known as “diabetes mellitus”. It is a common condition and is characterized by abnormally high blood sugar levels. Diabetes essentially changes the way your body uses food.

Diabetes is not a disease but is a disorder. Diabetes is the common term for several metabolic disorders in which the body no longer produces insulin or able to use the insulin produced. Insulin is a hormone that is needed to covert sugar, starches and other food into energy needed for daily life. The cause of diabetes continues to be a mystery, although both genetics and environmental factors such as obesity and lack of exercise appear to play roles.

Types of Diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease in which the body destroys insulin-producing beta cells in a lifelong condition that is treated with insulin. Insulin must be given each day and multiple injections a day (3+1, minimum

On & On DiabaLife video
Click on below given Link 


Contact number details 

Rupesh Joshi

Mobile +91-8779138943
Whatsapp +91-9920361274

Friday 8 November 2013

Sit n Burn Faat

Sit n Burn Faat

Sit n Burn Faat Video

How to use Sit n Burn see video.

Sit n Burn Faat Sugar free Nutritional Supplement 

A Complete blend of soluble & insoluble fibre for positive weight management
Made of 100% food products, mixed in right proportion to give results. No complicated, unknown or magic ingredients.
Sit & Burn FAAT™an important part of VITRIMIN'S ACCLERATED NATURAL FAT BURN PROGRAM, takes your worry away - makes you taste the correct food! It consists of a COMPLETE Blend of soluble & Insoluble fibre supplement for POSITIVE weight management.
Sit & Burn FAAT™ achieves "fat loss-weight loss" thro SEVEN different ways through FIRST OF ITS KIND IN THE WORLD, PATENTED PRODUCT.
FIRST - fills the stomach physically on consumption and give "full stomach feel" -"satiety".
SECOND - reduces the carving for fatty/ carbohydrate food whole day.
THIRD - reaches the stored fat in blood vessels, stomach, sub cutaneous tissue and mobilizes away to blood stream.
FOURTH - burns the fat into energy even while you are not physically active - naturally.
FIFTH - absorbs the cholesterol / fat from the small intestine and holds it from re absorption into the body, there by lowers blood cholesterol level.
SIXTH - removes the cholesterol / fat thro feces equivalent to 5 - 7 hours of rigorous gym workout / day.
SEVEN - increases the insulin sensitivity in people with diabetes - there by reduces the intake of medicines in them.
SIT & BURN FAAT helps you to achieve fat loss and positive weight management
NATURALLY without starving.
What else you wait for - just start sit and burn your fat right now...

Nutritional Information

Per serving (14 gms)
Psyllium Husk Powder
10.5 g
Garcinia campogia extract
300 mg
Papaya fruit powder
500 mg
Korean Ginseng Extract
200 mg
Green tea extract
400 mg
L Carnitine Tartrate
100 mg

Key Features:

  • Product Research & Development done on Indians, over seven years with various centres / hospitals across India. "PATENTED PRODUCT"
  • Product exactly fits for the Rice eating, Wheat Eating & Fast food eating Population
  • Though immediate weight loss is slow, the results are consistent, and need not consume life long.
  • Ingredients are claimed and used world over by the rice eating population - who make 70% of world's population as day to day food ingredients.
  • Confers to food safety and standards authority specifications -100% safe and natural.
  • Does not contain proteins -100% safe on kidneys and No chance for Allergic reactions.
  • No Cholesterol / Fat containing Ingredients - easy for LIPOLYSIS -Process for break down of fats and lipids. Weight management is smooth and easy.
  • Physically fills the stomach with the help of soluble and insoluble fibre. No head aches.
  • 100% relieves from any bowel problem like constipation / irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Ingredients help to mobilize and burn fat from blood vessels and sub cutaneous tissue. Fat Burning Process is 100% natural - no artificial stimulants like caffeine / amphetamines added.
  • Ingredients capable of bringing out fat & cholesterol through feces - only one of its kind in the world. Two sachets per day can bring out fat / cholesterol equivalent to 5 - 7 hours of rigorous gym workout/day.

  • Ingredients capable of bringing out fat & cholesterol through feces - only one of its kind in the world. Two sachets per day can bring out fat / cholesterol equivalent to 5 - 7 hours of rigorous gym workout/day.

Payment Terms: T/T (Bank Transfer), Other

MRP Rs. 2100.00
Mobile +91-8779138943
Whatsapp +91-9920361274

If want Distribution authority or promotion of the Product contact on above number or email.

Thursday 7 November 2013

Spirulina Gold - Capsules On - On

Spirulina Gold

MRP Rs. 1300.00

On - On Spirulina Gold  - Capsules Description:

On & On Spirulina is Pure Veg
On & On Spirulina capsules are Pure Veg Capsules (and NOT Gelatin Capsules). Most of us remain uninformed about the nature of ingredients that makes up the capsule. Many of us knowingly or unknowingly consume non-veg shiny shells derived from cows, pigs and other animals. On & On Spirulina is not only rich in its nutrient profile, but is also made with Pure Veg Capsules and is absolutely safe for consumption.

What is Spirulina

In today"s fast forward life, when often the major nutrients are lacking Spirulina is the simple solution for well being. Scientifically, Spirulina is simple one-celled microscopic blue-green algae with the scientific name Arthrospira platensis. Under a microscope, spirulina appears as long, thin, blue-green spiral threads.
Spirulina is a bliss to human being for various reasons and is found in many freshwater environments, including ponds, lakes, and rivers. It thrives best under pesticide-free conditions with plenty of sunlight and moderate temperature levels. It is all natural way for overall wellbeing.

Spirulina - Why Superfood

Spirulina is often referred as world's healthiest food that can add years to your life. It is deemed the most nutritionally complete of all food supplements, containing a rich supply of many important nutrients, including protein, complex carbohydrates, iron, and vitamins A, K, and B complex. It also has a high supply of carotenoids such as beta carotene and yellow xanthophylls which have antioxidant properties. It is also rich in chlorophyll, fatty and nucleic acids, and lipids. Thus, spirulina has countless uses as a supplement for maintaining good health and for preventing diseases.
Beta Carotene Food : Spirulina is the richest beta carotene food, with a full spectrum of ten mixed carotenoids. About half are orange carotenes: alpha, beta and gamma and half are yellow xanthophylls. They work synergistically at different sites in our body to enhance antioxidant protection. These natural carotenoids in algae & vegetables have the most antioxidant and anti-cancer power.
Anti-aging Food : Spirulina is having concentrated nutrient value, easily digested and loaded with antioxidants. Beta carotene is good for healthy eyes and vision. Spirulina beta carotene is ten times more concentrated than carrots.
Iron & Mineral Rich Food : Iron is essential to build a strong system, yet is the most common mineral deficiency. Spirulina is rich in iron, magnesium and trace minerals, and is easier to absorb than iron supplements.
For Nerves & Tissues : Spirulina is the highest source of B-l 2, essential for healthy nerves and tissue, especially for vegetarians.
Healthy Dieting with Spirulina : About 60% of spirulina's dry weight is protein, which is essential for growth and cell regeneration. It is a good replacement for fatty and cholesterol- rich meat and dairy products in one's diet. Every 10 grams of spirulina can supply up to 70% of the minimum daily requirements for iron, and about three to four times of minimum daily requirements for vitamins A (in the form of beta carotene), B complex, D,and K.
Spirulina for immunity & nutrition : Spirulina is rich in gamma-linolenic acid or GLA, a compound found in breast milk that helps develop healthier babies. Moreover, with its high digestibility, spirulina has been proven to fight malnutrition in impoverished communities by helping the body absorb nutrients when it has lost its ability to absorb normal forms of food.
Aiding Digestion& promoting bowel function : Spirulina stimulates beneficial flora like lactobacillus & bifidobacteria in your digestive tract to promote healthy digestion and proper bowel function. Research confirms Spirulina promotes digestion and bowel function. It suppresses bad bacteria like e-coli and Candida yeast and stimulates beneficial flora like lactobacillus and bifidobacteria. Healthy flora is the foundation of good health and it increases absorption of nutrients from the foods we eat, and helps protect against infection. Spirulina builds healthy lactobacillus, aiding assimilation and elimination and relieving constipation.
Removing Toxins : It acts as a natural cleanser by eliminating mercury and other deadly toxins commonly ingested by the body. Spirulina has a completely unique combination of phytonutrients - including chlorophyll, phycocyanin and polysaccharides, that can help cleanse our bodies.
Spirulina for Athletes : Spirulina increases stamina and immunity levels in athletes, and its high protein content helps build muscle mass. At the same time, it can curb hunger that may develop during the most demanding training routines. Indirectly acts as an effective way to maintain an athlete's ideal body weight.
The Disease Fighter : As well as beta carotene, Spirulina contains other nutrients such as iron, manganese, zinc, copper, selenium, and chromium. These nutrients help fight free radicals, cell-damaging molecules absorbed by the body through pollution, poor diet, injury, or stress. By removing free radicals, the nutrients help the immune system fight cancer and cellular degeneration. In some findings, spirulina has helped reduce oral cancer tumors in laboratory rats, and may thus provide a big medical breakthrough in cancer treatment.
Reducing high Cholesterol : Spirulina's ability to reduce the bad cholesterol LDL in the body helps prevent the onset of cardiovascular diseases, such as hardening of the arteries and strokes. It also helps lower blood pressure. While not clinically proven, spirulina may ...

Key Features:

  • Strengthens Immune System
  • Reduces High cholesterol
  • Regulate High blood Pressure
  • Fights Anemia
  • Fights Diabetes
  • Fights Bad Bacteria & Virus
  • Fights Arthritis & Rheumatism
  • Effective Diet program by replacing 1 meal per day
  • Anti Aging properties
  • Perfect for Vegetaria
  • Boost Energy

DIETARY SUPPLEMENT: Supplement Facts (Serving Size : 1 Capsule)

Energy1.74 KCal
Protein0.28 g
Carbohydrates0.16 g
Fats0 g
Vitamin C35 g
Spirulina Platensis500 mg
DirectionsTwo capsules a day


Rupesh Joshi
Mobile +91-8779138943
Whatsapp +91-9920361274

Nutrilife On - On

Nutrilife On - On
              NutriLife Video click on below link 

MRP Rs.1900.00

On n On NutriLife Description:

Minerals are essential for proper growth & good health.
The important minerals in Nutrilife are :-
Calcium : Essential for proper development of bones and teeth.
Iron : Essential for formation of haemoglobin in blood. Requirements of iron increase in excessive bleeding, pregnancy & lactation. Deficiency leads to anemia,
Folic Acid : Essential for prevention of growth retardation, infertility, weakness and anemia
Sodium & Potassium : Essential to maintain fluid balance, acid base balance, maintain muscle & nerve functions and maintain blood viscosity.
Chloride : Maintains adequate oxygen in the body via intracellular homeostasis.
Zinc : Essential for maintaining proper skin, hair, eye, sexual and growth functions.
Proper nutrition leads to a healthier body and mind. Proper intake of food in right proportion provides the right kind of nutrition for health. ON & ON Nutrilife provides balanced Nutrition to the family.

How to Use:

Take it daily with milk or warm water. Add sugar to taste. On & On NutriLife Can be added to Milkshakes, Juices, Soups, Flour etc for fortification.
Infant : 6gm (half spoon a day)
Children : 12gm (1 spoon a day)
Adults : 24 gm ( 2 spoons a day)
Pregnant Women : 24gm ( 2 spoons a day)
Sportmen/ Body builders (3 spoons a day)


In today’s fast forward life – we are taking more of pollution, poor diet, drugs, daily stress, junk foods etc. Nowadays, quality in food is missing. Vital elements are less, food values have deteriorated. In today’s lifestyle, it is difficult to meet the nutritional requirement from the normal food intake. For example, Zinc deficiency causes mental apathy, depression, dermatitis & Hair fall but it is not possible to take 1 kg radish to meet the Zinc requirement for human body.
50% children of India suffer from nutritional deficiency. UN report says, 40% illnesses are for nutrition deficiency, Children between 10–19 years of age face serious nutritional deficiencies worldwide, according to the World Health Organization. About 1,200 million or 19 percent of adolescents suffer from poor nutrition that hurts their development and growth.


ON & ON Nutrilife is an easy way to add health to your life, daily.
ON & ON Nutrilife is a wonderfood for the entire family. It contains Protein, Carbohydrate, Dextrose Monohydrate, Vitamins, Fats, Minerals etc in right proportions to fulfill the nutritional requirement of body. It is a balanced nutrition for good health.
It is scientifically developed with an overall understanding of modern-day energy needs. Regular intake of ON & ON Nutrilife means immunity, strength, sustenance and disease free life.
ON & ON Nutrilife helps impressively on body nutrition & caters modern day energy needs for the entire family. It helps in immunity, nourishment and strength filled with natural prevention, care & cure. It strengthens the natural healing ability of the body.
The ingredients are Protein, Carbohydrates, Dextrose monohydrate, Skimmed Milk Powder, Vitamins, Fats, Minerals, Iron, Calcium & Zinc.

Nutrilife Contains:

ON & ON Nutrilife is enriched with proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and skimmed milk powder. Every ingredient in this product has some major contribution towards healthy life.
Proteins : Building blocks of the cells of the body and composed of 20 amino acids. They are essential for the growth and repair of the body.
Dextrose : Dextrose is d-glucose. It is required for energy production.
Vitamins are necessary in very small amounts for normal growth, health and activities of our body. They catalyze biological processes occurring in the body. Vitamins though taken in micro quantities are of mega importance in life. The deficiency of vitamins causes many serious diseases.
Vitamin A: Essential for maintaining proper vision, normal skeletal development, healthy teeth structure and healthy glowing skin. It acts as an antioxidants, improves immunity & resists infection.
Vitamin B1 : Thiamine is essential for functioning of heart, nerves and muscles ; also carbohydrate metabolism.
Vitamin B2 : Riboflavin is essential for carbohydrate and protein metabolism, good for skin, lips and tongue ; also maintains proper mental health.
Vitamin B3 : Niacin amide is essential for protein, fat and carbohydrates metabolism. Deficiency causes Dermatitis, Diarrhea and Mental disorder.
Vitamin B6 : Pyridoxine maintains growth and weight, prevents anemia & good for skin.
Vitamin B12 : Cyancobalamin is essential for formation of healthy blood, proper growth of the body and metabolism of nervous tissue. Deficiency causes Pernicious anemia & retarded growth with pale skin and breathlessness.
Vitamin C : Ascorbic acid acts as an antioxidant, increases resistance to infections, keeps teeth, gums & joints healthy. It also helps in wound healing. Deficiency causes scurvy, pain in joints and general weakness.
Vitamin D : Calciferol keeps teeth and bone health. It also helps in utilization of calcium and phosphorus. Deficiency lads to rickets in children and oetesmalacea in adults with bone deformities, bowlegs, pigeon chest and softening of bones.


  • Balanced nutritional & protein support to the body.
  • Strengthens the natural healing ability of the body.
  • Increases oxygen supply to blood system.
  • Gives the recommended amount of Macro - nutrients, Vitamins, Minerals and Trace elements.
  • Helps to prevent growth retardation, infertility, weakness and anemia.
  • Essential for maintaining proper skin, eye, sexual and growth functions.


BrandOn & On
Product TypeEnergy Drink
Nutritional IngredientsProteins, Vitamins, Minerals, Carbohydrates

Nutritional Values Per 100g (Approx.)

Energy Value352.5 Kcl
Calcium900 mg
Iron27 mg
Folic Acid100 mcg
Vitamin B11.5mg
Vitamin B23mg
Vitamin B56mg
Vitamin B61mg
Vitamin B126 mcg
Vitamin C36 mg
Vitamin D3900 I.U
Vitamin A1000 I.U
Vitamin E30 I.U
Niacin Amide30 mg
Zinc15 mg
Sodium500 mg
Chloride500 mg
Potassium500 mg
Magnesium1000 mg
Dietary Fiber600 mg

Rupesh Joshi
Mobile +91-8779138943
Whatsapp +91-9920361274 

Friday 25 October 2013

9E5 Premium Health Drink - 1 Litre On - On

                                                ON & ON 9E5 Premium Health Drink - 1 Litre

9E5 Premium Health Drink On - On

Payment mode: TT, Fund Transfer, and other.

MRP Rs. 3000


If want Distribution authority or promotion of the Product contact on above number or email.

ON & ON 9E5 Premium Health Drink - 1 Litre

CHERRY : Contains low calories yet rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Cherry contains Anthocyanins which reduce chronic painful gout arthritis, fibromyalgia (painful muscle condition) and sports injuries. Cherries are rich in Melatonin - a powerful anti oxidant that can cross the blood-brain barrier easily and produce soothing effects on the brain neurons, calming down nervous system irritability which helps relieve neurosis, insomnia and headache conditions.
CRANBERRY : An excellent source of Vitamin C. Its infection fighting properties helps in Asthma & Urinary Tract Infection. It reduces Ulcer and prevents peptic Ulcers.
RED CURRANT : Low in fat and calories, Rich in Fiber, Vitamin C, Potassium, & Magnesium, Red Currants help digestion, regulate bowel movements, and treats constipation. It helps regulate blood pressure and improves muscle cramps, weakness and irregular heart beat.
ELDERBERRY : Packed with strong anti-viral properties, Elder berries helps fight flu & cold, reduces phlegm, strengthens upper respiratory system & reduces inflammation. Elder Berries are useful in curing Mouth Ulcers, Tonsilitis and Sore Throats.
GOJI BERRY : Also known as Wolf Berry, the medicinal benefits of Goji Berry is unlimited. It is especially used in the treatment of Diabetes and improves the eye sight and the functioning of the brain. Goji Berries are an excellent source of immune system booster and helps relieve sleep dis-orders.
ACAI BERRY : Avery strong source of anthocyanins, Acai berry strengthens the functioning of the heart. It is also a rich source of protein and dietary fiber and Omega 6 & Omega 9 fatty acids that help in lowering the cholesterol in the blood.
ON & ON 9e5 Premium health drink contains Pro-Anthocyanins & several other Biologically active substances that improves our body's immune system and offer protection against various life style related dis-orders.
Good health is natural & Good health is available to everyone.

Ask Your Self this question

Every second when you breathe-in, millions of germs, viruses & bacteria enter into your body.
Who destroys these? Modern day chemicals or your body'sown IMMUNESYSTEM?
Did our fore-fathers use synthetic chemicals to live healthier & longer?
Why do you want to suffer?
ON & ON 9e5 Premium health drink is the natural alternative solution to chronic health problems.

Be Naturally Healthy

ON & ON 9e5 Premium Health Drink is an active formulations of natural key ingredients like Amla, Noni, Aloe Vera, and a unique combination of 13 different berries - Wild Berry, Strawberry, Blackberry, Raspberry, Blackcurrant, Blue Berry, Cherry, Cranberry, Red Currant, Elderberry, Goji berry, Cranberry, Acai Berry - Collectively possess all key Vitamins, Minerals, Enzymes, Metals, Amino Acids, etc, that are required to compensate for the shortage caused by modern living conditions and bring the body to its natural level.
ON & ON 9e5 Premium health drink strengthens your immune system. Then, your Immune system fights various diseases, germs, viruses bacteria, etc.

What is a Immune System?

We are always surrounded by bacteria, microbes, viruses, toxins, fungus, pollution and parasites to enter into our body every second when we breathe in. They are very powerful that they can even dismantle our entire body.
Look at a dead body - within a few weeks the entire body is decayed and destroyed.
Don't panic. We have a attentive doctor inside our body who works 24 x 7 daily - An amazing natural protection mechanism called the Immune system.
Have you ever seen your immune system working? You can notice it when it fails for some reason.
A cut in your body heals very quickly most of the times but sometimes it becomes a wound. Why? If your immune system works, it heals quickly; If it fails, then the bacteria have entered your body to cause damage.
When you breathe in, millions of germs, bacteria and viruses that are floating in the air go into your body. Your immune system defends your body against its attack. Occasionally a germ gets past the immune system and you catch a cold orflu -Avisible sign that your immune system failed to stop the germ.
The fine line between healthy and diseased body is crossed when the immune system fails or slows.
TODAY'S LIVING CONDITIONS HARM US MORE Stress, Pollution, Radiation, poisonous Insecticide & Pesticides, Chemical Fertilizers and Medicines, Smoking, Alcohol, Lack of exercise, bad eating habits, junk foods, synthetic preservatives, colors and additives -These actually harm our body more than ever before.
Some immune system disorders are evident immediately; others exist for years before any signs or damage occur.
Modern medicines advocate that most diseases are caused by "germs" and that, in order to get well, we must kill these germs. So, we take drugs, antibiotics, chemotherapy, radiation and even surgery but these not only kills the germs but also the good cells in our body.
When Our Cells Are Weak, Our Immune System Cannot Destroy The Bacteria, Viruses, Microbes, Toxins, & Parasites That Are All Around Us.
An effective Immune-System booster, multi-nutritional, natural supplement is the need of our daily requirement-much like brushing ourteeth everyday!!!


Look at what ON & ON 9e5 Premium Health Drink is made up and you will know why
AMLA (Phyllanthus Emblica) : Also called the Indian Goose Berry, Amla has been extensively used in Ayurvedic formulations to strengthen all organs of the body and the immune system. Amla is very rich in Vitamin C.
NONI (Morinda Citrofolia) : Noni is said to be a powerful & virtual cure-all for respiratory conditions such as tuberculosis, influenza, asthma, coughs, colds, sinusitis and sore throat. It is also effective for digestive disorders such as diarrhea, constipation, indigestion, gastric ulcers and intestinal parasites.
STRAWBERRY : Very rich in Potassium and is said to helps in lowering the risk of heart attack and stroke. Folate in Strawberries helps to produce red blood cells. Straw berries are a rich source of vitamin C and contains more than citrus fruits. This helps to fight off some forms of cancer and also lowers bad cholesterol. Strawberries are packed with B2, B5, B6, vitamin K, copper, and magnesium. They also contain omega fatty acids and essential fibers.
BLACKBERRY : Blackberries are known to be a powerhouse of Vitamin B, C & K apart from Lutein & Folate apart from minerals like Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, dietary fiber, proteins, Iron & Zinc.
RASPBERRY : Low in calories & saturated fats but are rich source of dietary fiber and anti-oxidants. Contains significantly high levels of phenolic flavonoid phytochemicals such as anthocyanins, ellagic acid (a tannin), quercetin, gallic acid, cyanidins, pelargonidins, catechins, kaempferol and salicylic acid. Xylitol, a low-calorie sugar substitute is also from Raspberries. Raspberries are also excellent source of vitamin-C, which helps body develop resistance against infectious agents, counter inflammation, and scavenge harmful free radicals.
BLACKCURRANT : Containing Tannin, Vitamin C, Potassium salts, & essential oil, the Black Currant is a good diuretic, Anti-sclerotic, Pectoral, Sudorific, Stomachic, Anti-diaretic, Anti- colitic, Anti-stringent, Hypotensive, and Anti-rheumatic effects favoring the elimination of uric acids. Black Currants are used to prevent cardiac insufficiency and vascular accidents; It increases resistance of fragile sanguine capillaries, reduces arterial hypertension and also intensifies weak peripheral circulation caused by menopause, cleans the blood of toxins, wastes and cholesterol. Black Currant is useful against rheumatism, arthritis and gout and stimulates digestion, functioning of the liver, pancreas, spleen and kidneys. Because of its diuretic qualities, the plant is useful for people suffering from oliguria. Being Astringent, Black Currtant is useful against diarrhea and dysentery and against tiredness & overwork.
BLUE BERRY : Blue Berries are powerful anti-oxidants with anti-aging & anti-cancer properties. It has phenolic compounds that can inhibit colon cancer cell proliferation and bring on apoptosis (programmed cell death. Blueberries contain Ellagic Acid, which blocks metabolic pathways that can lead to cancer. Blue berries enhance dopamine levels, essential neurotransmitter that enables smooth, controlled movements as well as efficient memory, attention, and problem- solving function. Blue Berries are also known to prevent bacteria build up around the walls of urinary tract, improves eye sight, reduces inflammatory process in cell membrane. Blueberries are also known to relieve diarrhea and constipation.

Key Features:

  • ON & ON 9e5 Premium Health Drink is an active formulations of natural key ingredients :
  • Amla, Noni, Aloe Vera, and a unique combination of 13 different berries - Wild Berry, Strawberry, Blackberry, Raspberry, Blackcurrant, Blue Berry, Cherry, Cranberry, Red Currant, Elderberry, Goji berry, Cranberry, Acai Berry - Collectively possess all key Vitamins, Minerals, Enzymes, Metals, Amino Acids, etc,


BrandOn & On
Product TypeHealth Drink
Product Weight1 Litre
Capacity30 sachets/tube


Rupesh Joshi
Mobile +91-8779138943
Whatsapp +91-9920361274